Thursday, August 12, 2010

corruption fraud clandestine deals & bribery is more rampant than boss tweed-carmine desapio's days in the new york courthouses

to find a straight honest judge in the new york state courts is like trying to find a straight 'corkscrew'. sure there are some fine judges but the system sooner or later 'gets to them' and contaminates. money, position & power is a hell of an incentive. the problem is these installees put in their $50.00 set of 'black robes' are beholden to the back room 'old boys club' and 'the law be damned'. law---it can & is manipulated in any way these supposed judges want---to suit their adgenda & 'marching-orders' from the ones 'pulling the strings' of the puppets in their black robes. its a field-day for bribery, fraud & corruption----but now much of these antics have gone too far & clearer pictures are forming. under the guise of the law or religion does fraud, corruption & larceny blossom like weeds.A CARPETBAGGER IS JUST THAT NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE CLOAKED IN.remember elmer gantry and judge garson from brooklyn ny-----they were a couple who got caught----but there are many more to be unmasked. remember that the crooked lawyers who get in the back door & wave 'ben-franklins' around with the corrupter near by usually gets to the not so honorable----'your honor'. dont fool yourself corruption & cover-up's of it are rampant in these state courts----& within them there is no place to go as its like complaning about vito genovese to albert anastasia----they are all out of the same mold. so when you get into these courts be careful of the lawyers including yours & watch the judges---its the greatest con game since the 'river boat hustlers' & these judges have --up to now---immunity---so dont get angry--make your case as now many are on to these corrupt despicable antics----deception hiding under the guise of justice---money--not justice--& the corrupt cheating lawyers are now under a microscope---america has had its fill of fraud, bribery, & cheating & corrupt judges, public officials whose larceny has impacted our homes, lives, reputation & liberties-----see scamraiders for more exposes on these horrible activities