Saturday, November 6, 2010


scamraiders has posted a number of reports involving the activities of referee jack suter and his documented bullyism and exparte emails and corrupt acts involving joseph m burke. scamraiders has assembled documentary proof of suters abuses, collusion, malfeasance and telephone abuses involving jim couri and owners of email sites where suter engaged in corrupt and collusive conduct in concert with joe burke esq in a scheme to railroad and rob jim's legitimate claims against vulture john siebert. in fact suter's appointment was illegal and in violation of uniform rules of the court.all of these postings regarding suter were verified by scamraiders investigative staff and scamraiders has the proofs---some posted---as to suters tampering and collusion.

 on or about oct 8, 2010---scamraiders was contacted by a new scamraider informant- member---revealing a new and sordid trail of alligations involving jack suter and allegations of drug abuse, gambling, alcoholism, harassment, extortion and worse. this person provided scamraiders operations with reports of suters rampant abuses. within a few days another scamraiders informant filed a additional series of reports about suter.

 scamraiders has asked these informants to provide more complete proof of the charges they have lodged against suter and the alligations of suter's supposed harassment, threats and acts of extortion as alleged by these informants--------filed with scamraiders operations on or about oct 8 and oct 16, 2010. although scamraiders has emailed these informants on a number of occations over the past weeks---neither have come forward with further response or more evidence promised other than a picture of jack suter at a downtown nyc bar. scamraiders takes pride in only reporting exposes on its sites that scamraiders carefully investigates and verifies. scamraiders has previously assembled a plethora of evidence of suters abuses involving the unified courts and his acts of collusion with joseph m burke.

scamraiders is worried as to the safety of these informants and we  have not received from these informants further requested proofs regarding  suter's  railroading of others as charged by the victims. scamraiders is alarmed based upon the informant's charges of the volatile and abusive conduct of jack suter------ and again asks for these informants to come forward. we at scamraiders are concerned that they may have been intimidated based on the charges that they have filed regarding the acts as alleged about suter.-----------------

 scamraiders asks that these scamraiders members who filed the october 2010 charges involving jack suter to please do not be afraid------------ produce more of your proofs of your detailed reporting to scamraiders-------we are receiving reports daily about courthouse corruption and other scams and swindles-----------scamraiders devotes tireless hours seeking verification and reviewing all evidence victims provide----------- and protecting the integrity of all informants----------please keep the reports and information coming but scamraiders will not tolerate our informants being abused, intimidated or extorted by the rouges and tricksters scamraiders exposes-------------