Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Dr. John Siebert has been proved to be a sex pervert and a molester of patients. Siebert has been fired from NYU/Langone Hospital in NYC after extensive Hearings and findings that Siebert is a sex vulture, a manipulator of patients, a narcotics abuser and a doctor who plays upon the weaknesses of vulnerable ill persons. Siebert has been accused and found to be a sociopath and a pervert. Likewise Siebert has been fired from Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan Eye and Ear also in NYC. Siebert has been evicted from 5 medical offices in NYC, including 875 Park Ave. NYC as a 'squatter' and as a undesirable tenant. He we kicked out as a subtenant of Dr Dan Baker, Dr Sheril Aston, Dr. Jenifer Walden and Dr. Michel Hogan. Siebert  and Burke have been proved to be perjurers, a thief, and a fraud. Schemer Dr. John Siebert and his corrupt lawyer Joseph M Burke have tampered with Judges, Referees and others in a rouse to rob Jim Couri, and other of Siebert's victims out of millions of dollars.

 All of this said, proved and undenied why is UW Hospital condoning the employment of Vulture Dr. John Siebert? Scamraiders has been recently been contacted by some of Siebert's victims. They have reported that they have written to UW Hospital managment about Siebert's molesting and harming of them and others, and advising that Siebert has been disgraced and evicted out of Hospitals and medical offices in NYC. yet UW Hospital continues to imperil victim patients allowing a proved sex pervert and accused pedophile to continue to interact with innocent citizens of Wisconsen.

 Why does UW Hospital turn a 'blind-eye' to Siebert's documented physical and mental abuses of patients?--

 we are continuing to investigate Siebert and his sex perversions both in the Hospitals and in his home. Siebert has interfered into the lives of many whose families and homes and kids have been fractured by his documented demented and sociopathic activities.---Stay tuned for much more on Siebert and his corruption, frauds, thefts and perverted sex abuses of the innocent.