Lets take a look at this pimp Kenneth V Gomez Esq and his transparent, and clandestine dastardly acts.
Seems that Gomez does his "dirty-work" under the egis of Joseph M Burke Esq and does so out of a closet at Russo & Burke Esqs. Gomez has engaged in years of now well documented and UNDENIED harassment, sexual abuses of disgraced-pervert Dr John Siebert's victims, threats, and stalking.
Scams inc has recieved reports from Gomez victims that Gomez has engaged in lewd acts, stalking and threatening of Dr Siebert's victim patients in a scheme to cause these innocent and vulnerable women not to report Siebert. Regardless, Siebert was convicted as a sex-predator doctor and Fired from Lenox Hill Hospital, NYU-Langone Hospital Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital and others.
Siebert, even with the sociopath acts and abuses of Gomez, and his extortion, was evicted out of 4 or 5 NYC medical offices.
Gomez also was recruited by Mob front-thief George Pavia to misuse the Internet to extort Pavias opponents and to suborn perjury, money laundering and to engage in fraud on the NY Courts.
Gomez has spent most of his days harassing and extorting and his nights engaging in reported acts of perversions.
Gomez has nothing to loose as he is judgment-proof, and is used by Russo-Burke, Pavia and Siebert as a hired thug who commits perjury, thefts, harassment, and who is a pure sociopath with a "soap-box".
Gomez is a "hit-man" using bribery, extortion, threats, intimidation, stalking and lewd acts to intimidate. Gomez has called and maligned anyone who has uncovered the crimes of Gomez's crew, all of whom are part of a RICO scam. Gomez has misused his supposed law license to engage in crimes, fraud, perjury and threats. Mr Gomez has exhibited his desperation while meddeling into others business and family affairs---all as part of the Pavia--Gomez scheme to cover-up their thefts of rent-stabilization, suppression of evidence, bribery and corrupt activities.
Gomez is a desperate man who has been caught repeatedly engaging in acts of slander, extortion and harassment. He has a sick compulsion no less than a addict. We believe that Gomez is a danger to society and along with Pavia have abused many and robbed many long enough----RICO is not far behind we hear.