Dr John Siebert is a convicted sex addict having been suspended by NY State. Siebert has molested, sexually and emotionall abused many patient victims. Siebert has also butchered many with his "hair-brained" operative con-games while giving innocent victims false hopes. John Siebert is a sociopath, a fraud, a sex pervert and a con-man. Siebert has stolen from many. Siebert has given false hopes to many with "Parry-Romberg Syndrome". Siebert who id a demented fraud knows that there is no surgical cure for this condition. Yet this psychopathe-phony Dr John Siebert has lied, cheated and stolen the money from many victim parents desperate to help their children with this progressive disease. Siebert the butcher has put kids through expensive and painful surgery only to allow criminal Siebert to pocket money along with complicit UW Hospital and without any real hope for the patient-victim.
Siebert has raped and butchered many including Diane Kleiman, Linda M, Muriel Karras, Ms Rachel, Barbara Paloucci, and many more. Siebert has robbed many, filed false tax returns, robbed many patients and has cheated and stolen from business associates.
Dr John Siebert has been evicted from over 5 medical offices in NYC, and he was recently evicted from 875 Park Ave as a illegal occupant in a Dr Glen Jelks Office. Siebert was put on the street. He was evicted from his NY apartment on East 64 Street and he has a fortune in judgments filed against him.
Dr's Aston, Baker, Walden, all prominent in NYC, kicked Siebert out of their Offices.
Siebert was expelled from the Faculty and from any affilliation with NY Hospitals NYU-Langone, Lenox Hill, Manhattan Eye and Ear after Siebert was convicted by the Hospitals internal trials finding Siebert a sex pervert, a sex molester a incompetent Doctor and a thief of medical insurance funds through fraud and theft.
You may go on to "SCRIBD" and review the many Charges, Cases, Convictions by NY State, Affidavits and other evidence as to Sieberts predatory acts and crimes.
The Question-----Why does UW Hospital ignore all of the facts that Dr Joh Siebert is a demented sex pervert, a butcher and dangerous------and UW Hospital allows this sociopath to interact with innocent women and children feeding lies, false hopes and fraudulent statements-------Siebert is a butcher and a faker----and he is dangerous