scamraiders has reported previously that pimp-thug kenneth gomez has intimidated, bribed and extorted many to cover up the criminal activities of dr siebert, joe burke and george pavia. we have learned that gomez has tried to harass, extort and intimidate diane kleiman, many of scamraideres informants, newspapers reporters, television stations, and many others. gomez has tried to bribe referees, judges, and other lawyers in a scheme to cover up the criminal enterprise of mafia connected george pavia and thief sex-vulture pedophile dr john siebert.-----gomez even bribed jim couri's brother and his lawyer robert kurzman and then engaged in a scheme to cover up his corruption and collusion----except scamraiders knows how gomez obtained forged and fraudulently induced records from jim's brother who was expelled from brunswick prep school in grennwich ct for stealing, cheating and lying.
now scamraiders has learned that gomez and siebert have schemed and attempted to bribe and in certain instances did bribe, threatened to bribe, threatened and extorted witnesses that can prove siebert's corruption, perjury, pedophilia, and bribery---and prove the bribery, collusion and corruption engaged in by george and antonia pavia, and joseph m burke and minion/thug gomez.
scamraiders recieved on nov. 8, 2010 a detailed letter from working girl rachel. the entire letter and envelope it was recieved in will be posted on scamraiders.
rcahel accuses siebert of threats and intimidation---bribery and attempted bribery engaged in by gomez. sex abuses engaged in by gomez, ------siebert's pedophilia and penchant for 'little boys'. siebert's demented sex acts and masturbation---siebert forcing rachel to dress-up like a child and having sex and siebert's acts of peep-hole watching two women having sex watching in a closet.
rachel accuses gomez of threats, and atempted bribery and engaging in lewed and demented sex acts in the presence of rachel while gomez was recruted to bribe and intimidate rachel to 'shut-up'-----
rachel is not going to be bribed, threatened or intimidated and she has provided scamraiders with proof of siebert's and his thugs tampering with wittnesses-----all crimes------please visit scamraiders to view rachels letter and further expose as to siebert and his thugs criminal acts and scheme to cover up this criminal-and sex enterprise----------------