john siebert is a now well documented sex pervert, vulture and rapist. scamraiders has received written reports, affidavits and other proof of siebert's demented sex habits. scamraiders has interviewed some of these victims. many of these reports issued by sieberts victims have been posted and none have been denied by siebert. siebert has raped these victims physically, financially emotionally and has then atempted to intimidate these victims by threats and extortion---engaged in by gomez, burke and sieberet himself in a desperate scheme to cover up sieberts sex crimes and abuses. now a witness comes forward confirming that siebert is a pedophile-----charges he and burke denied and defrauded the dept of children and famlies in conn a few years ago and then engaged in perjury in ny courts covering up siebert's sex crimes-----------siebert is a despicable sex pig---a closit pedophile as reported by his victims-----he is a sociopath living a life of frauds and lies---thinking he is fooling the public------well 'quick-draw-johnnie' the cat is out of the bag----and you will soon not be lureing any more victims into your closet-----
scamratders will be submitting to attorney m. feller of the state of conn ---'children and famlies agency'----------- the evidence that dr. siebert and burke and kimberly siebert lied to a state agency over the phones and faxes and internet and in person to cover up dr john siebert's criminal acts of pedophilia and fraud and perjury to cover up siebert's sex crimes---they also lied to various schools as well to cover up dr siebert's demented sex crimes as now reported by siebert's victims-------see scamraiders for the undenied proof of siebert's sex acts, etc.------------------