scamraiders has recieved proof of the extortion, threats and intimidation engaged in by dr john siebert and lawyers ken gomez and joe burke. these acts are crimes and involve a scheme to cover up the rampant crimes of bribery, tax evasion sex rapes, narcotics abuse and pedophilia.
two informants provided scamraiders with details of the illegal and apparent criminal activities of a ny court referee jack suter. these informants advised scamraiders that the were forwarding further evidence of the illegal activities of suter. these informants now appear to be missing as they have not responded to scamraiders and its investigators and operations department. other informants report that siebert and gomez have threatened them and atempted to bribe the informants to 'shut-up'.
scamraiders is first going to publish on it's site all of the information these informants forwarded to scamraiders regarding the alleged corrupt and outlaw acts of referee jack suter of the unified courthouse in nyc. scamraiders will redact the names of the informants for their safety and privacy.
scamraiders asks again that theae informants come forward as we know that they have been intimidated, threatened and possibly abused as they have alleged in their reports emailed by them to scamraiders. see scamraiders for the complete informants reports in their own words.------