Sunday, October 3, 2010

joseph m burke esq is a documented corrupt lawyer 'representing' sex vulture-thief & narcotics abuser john siebert md, has been caught tampering, bribing, engaging in exparte communications with ny court referees, & judges,& caught writing illegal decisions/orders for the court to rob & ambush jim couri--we accuse burke as a perjurer & criminal

scamraiders has documented evidence of joseph m burke's corruption, tampering & exparte communications with referee jack suter; with jsc michael stallman; with persons at the appellate division; with referee leslie lowenstein; with referee louis crespo; and now with jsc paul wooten. burke has secreted evidence, engaged in spoliation secreting note of issue; engaged in fraud on the jsc beeler court in obtaining a illegal gag order without advising the court that john siebert md was a dr charged with sex abuses, narco misuse, charged with crimes by patients for sex rapes & a rogue doctor. burke allowed siebert to commit perjury ; burke & siebert ignored a court ordered injunction. all of these acts & more are not only acts of contempt but crimes & violations of professional disciplinary rules. burke/siebert have made literally dozens of motions in intentional violation of the 12-12-05 injunction barring such conduct.

now mr burke in violation of court rules concocts lies & deception claiming that he served jim with siebert/burke illegal & post filed affirmations & lexus cases etc---in support of their supposed contempt osc motion. what makes these acts much more serious is the fact tha burke---before concoction the scam engaged in exparte with the wooten court & wootens law clerk who wanted cases to try & bolster burke/siebert's ambush after weeks of the burke/siebert contempt being submitted burke concocts lies to aid a corrupt court in a scheme to railroad jim. burke never sent these documents to jim & burks communication to the court including illegal documents a outright fraud. THIS CONDUCT IS ALL PART OF A ILLEGAL SCHEME & EFFORT TO CENSOR & GAG SCAMRAIDERS & FREE SPEECH & FREE PRESS---BY CORRUPT CLANDESTINE BULLYISM, COLLUSION & FRAUD---CONCOCTING LIES THAT JIM IS SCAMRAIDERS AS PART OF THE CONSPIRACY TO COVER UP RAMPANT CRIMINALITY & AMBUSH FREE SPEECH IN THE PROCESS--SEE SCAMRAIDERS 'MISSION STATEMENT & TERMS OF USE'

the current scam documents burke now refers & that he belatedly sends the court were clearly as a result of a new round exparte interaction----not generated by burke out of the blue. the cases from 'lexus-nexus' burke did send to jim 4 weeks late-- refer to contempt cases curiously decided without an mandated hearing to prove any contempt----another burke/siebert & courthouse groundless scam to rob jim of his $20 million by a scheme of courthouse flim-flam without a shred of fact & grounded on another burke/siebert scheme of railroading, fraud, larceny & malicious prosecution. meanwhile burke/siebert have been caught by jim & documented by evidence with crimes of tampering, writing illegal exparte decisions for judges & referees & courthouse corruption & criminal spoliation. now making matters worse for these scoundrels--- jsc wooten has been caught engaging in a pattern of lies & intentional bullyism, fraud & deceptions & schemes over interstate phones on sept. 1, 2010 while intentionally depriving & undermining jim's rights to due-process----rico again we at scamraiders believes. wooten has attempted to steal jims rights, claims & $20million by judicial fraud,collusion & corruption. harsh as it is scamraiders has sufficient proof to make these charges embracing burke/siebert & courthouse scalliwags. conspiracy? we have evidence that seems to far more than confirms this----& ongoing in the ny unified court system involving these 'actors' for a long while.

jsc wooten has systematically failed & refused to take action against documented corruption, fraud, perjury, contempt & tampering & spoliation rampantly & repeatedly engaged in by joseph m. burke & dr. john siebert----wooten has further proven by his acts that he is culpable------hiding behind his 'buffer' 'court-clerk warren rubio'----- a bad-egg judge. Wooten based on judicial ethics violations must recuse himself-------jsc wooten's carefully documented conduct over interstate phones, inconsistent/bias & illogical decisions, abuse of jim & failure to comply with cplr, the ny & us constitution & failure to comply with ny court uniform rules-- exhibit jsc wooten's serious violations of the codes of judicial conduct & federal criminal statutes including interstate fraud---& fraud to deprive due process causing loss & injury through what looks like intentional & systematic corruption.

jsc wooten has & continues to hijack justice by condoning burke/siebert's corruption, contempt, fraud, tampering & perjury---judge wooten too many are on to this siebert/burke scam & you aint a 'ostrich' ---all of you have abused the rules of law engaging in collusion & atrocious acts of undermining the system---now scamraiders & others have assembled the facts & evidence of a rico scam of corruption & disdain for due process & the constitution---a disgrage to the american & ny citizens---'JUDGE WOOTEN & COMPANY' YOU SHOULD & WILL BE BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF & YOUR WORLD OF GREED & BACK-ROOM FIXES------DISDAIN FOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS & YOUR VICTIM'S MONEY, HEALTH & FAMILIES THAT YOU WITHOUT CONSCIENCE MUTILATE BY YOUR TRICKSTER ACTS, CORRUPTION & ABUSE OF POWER POISONING THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS---SO YOU CAN AID A SEX VULTURE, THIEF & VILLIAN DOCTOR & HIS SMALL-TIME THUG-LAWYER-----AS THEY SAY----'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH'---FOR EVIDENCE OF THE CLAIMS & AIILGATIONS IN THIS REPORT PLEASE SEE ARCHIVES AT SCAMRAIDERS & BELOW THIS & CURRENT ARTICLES ON SCAMRAIDERS 'HOME-PAGE'.--