Sunday, October 10, 2010
jsc paul wooten trys by lies, fraud & collusion to whitewash a barred, flawed & illegal supposed 'contempt-motion' made by john siebert md & lawyer josemph m burke
on september 1, 2010 wooten conducted a scheme to railroad jim couri in the court v siebert case. PLAIN & SIMPLE THIS JUDGE WOOTEN ATEMPTED TO CHEAT JIM COURI OVER THE INTERSTATE PHONE LINES IN A COURT PROCEEDING BY A DESPICABLE & SYSTEMATIC SCHEME OF LIES & DECEPTION .wooten, knowing & in fact deciding himself that all motions in the couri v siebert case mandated compliance with a 12-12-05 injunction---wooten tried to whitewash & cover-up a burke/siebert illegal 'contempt' motion-- that wooten signed & approved---in direct contravention- violation to the 12-12-05 injunction----such illegal contempt motion made by burke/siebert was trying to hold jim in contempt on concocted & fraudulent grounds---including scheming to-- by fraud-- convolute jim with scamraiders. when jim on the phone from california on sept 1, 2010 insisted that the court fully complies with the 12-12-05 injunction relating all motions made that are in violation of the injunction & direct a vacature &/or dismissal of all such improper motions---- jsc wooten as a scheme to cheat jim & whitewash burke/siebert's illegal-improper contempt motion as well as their other illegal & improper siebert/burke motions----jsc wooten over interstate phone lines began his corrupt scheme to 'sand-bag' jim------ including jsc wooten falsely charging that the wooten court phoned jim & that jim failed & refused to respond to the calls- a despicable & outright & documented scheme to cheat jim uttered by a presiding judge during a courthouse proceeding--------the records prove that wooten is------- by these intentional & dasdardly acts to railroad jim of due process & his money, & liberty------- a cheat & a liar as no such calls were ever made to jim by wooten or any one else in his court; the record proves that jim since feb 2010 pled for confernce calls by phone to wooten's clerk warren rubio about 20 times for months----when wooten was caught by these lies by jim on the phone---- jsc wooten knew he was trapped by his larceny & wooten had no answer to jim's immediate questions as to who called, when, what phone etc. wooten knew he was tagged in his collusion & a scheme to rob jim of due process by ambush. rubio when questioned denied that he ever called jim during those times or ever for any such purpose. jsc wooten intentionally lied & continued the 'cover-up' as part of his attempted larceny on interstate phones----plainly put wooten was caught 'red-handed lying & cheating the rules of law----these acts are crimes-----wooten tried to cover for himself & for burke/siebert --meanwhile wooten has not yet dismissed, expunged, vacated & reversed all motions & decisions made & obtained by burke/siebert in violation of the 12-12-05 injunction---yet wooten did just that with jims motions- he dismissed them as 'improper'----------wooten has been caught 'with his pants down & his foot in his mouth'--- engaging in a documented inter-state by telephone cover-up, deception, collusion, fraud, bias & malice----& violations of federal criminal statutes in the process-----stated otherwise jsc wooten is a liar proven out of his own mouth on the 9-1-10 'supposed status conf.' ----- scamraiders investigators have the cold hard proof & evidence of jsc wooten's intentional cover-up & collusion to screw & rob jim couri & try & insulate himself & burke/siebert &----- their illegal & perjured contempt & other motions that violate the very injunction that wooten relies upon dismissing jim's motions-----this wooten wanton display is more clear & convincing proof of jsc wootens disdain for due process, corruption & judicial corruption, colusion & fraud.