Sunday, October 24, 2010
jsc paul wooten through trickery and artifice himself violates the conditions of the jsc beeler 12-12-05 controlling injunction in the jim couri v siebert case that judge wooten is supposed to be 'administering'
jsc beeler of the unified court in ny in 2005 issued a injunction in couri v siebert case that mandates that all parties and joseph m. burke esq must before commencing any motion, complaint, report etc involving the parties and burke must call the court, seek a 'conference call' with the judge with all parties on the line and the court will determine after telephonic discussion----grant or reject the request---based on the facts, condition, circumstances and the parties arguements over the phone. the court of cours must--pursunan to the injunction grant the immediacy to the 'conference-call'.------what jsc wooten has done to deprive jim of due process is to deny jim's motions,not deny siebert/burke motions---all made without compliance with the injunction---------and when jim sought the right to make motions to correct these improper unequal siebert/ burke and the wooten court's violations of the injunction and siebert/burke frauds on the court for failing to seek the mandated 'permission' by conference call--------------- judge wooten as part of the fix against jim's rights------ has made jim a scapegoat, stone-walled jim------- and refused to grant jim any conference call for months-----------thus intentionally depriving jim access to the courts and intentioally depriving jim compliance with the injunction.-------judge wooten has himself deprived compliance with the very injunction he on the other hand seeks jim's compliance-----------a scam of deception, bias and fraud by a supposed judge---------- what wooten has done is demanded compliance of the injunction on jims 'dime' and then refused to allow jim to comply with the injunction by not granting a immediate 'conference call as the injunction demands--------wooten has by deception prejudice and abuse of his roll allowed siebert/burke to violate the injunction and deprived jim from seeking access to the court to cause the deception and frauds to be rectified-------thus causing jim loss, injury and deprivation of his claims--------wooten is a disgrace---plain and simple------. wooten has by malfiesence bullyism and his own violations of the injunction allowed illegal motions made by siebert/burke and illegal decisions flowing from the fraud on the court and acts of contempt by siebert/burke to be improperly sustained----jsc wooten talks with a forked tongue, and whose illegal conduct has undermined the law of the case---the injunction----and has covered up the charade and follies of these acts of bias and corruption-----judge wooten your hands are again caught in the cookie jar by your atrocious and contemptible acts of intentional ambushing and deceptions------see scamraiders for more details of jsc paul wooten and his acts of willful interstate frauds and outright lies and cherry-picking and illogical sloppy acts.