jack suter is a supposed referee in the ny unified courthouse. his office is at 80 centre street nyc. suter was in feb. 2008, appointed by jsc michael stallman in the jim couri vs john siebert md case---'to supervise discovery'----except at the time stallman was clueless to the fact that joseph m burke & siebert had filed & secreted in march of 2006 a 'note-of-issue' which bars & precludes any 'post-note' discovery pursuant to the uniform rules of the court-----thus making the suter roll illegal as all discovery was as a matter of law closed from march 2006. undaunted bully suter began to intimidate, abuse & threaten jim over the phone---including telling jim to pay-off siebert/burke so that they would not harass jim. ---then for 6 months suter & burke were engaged in documented ex-parte emails conspiring to manipulate the case & claims jim had asserted knowing that jim was in california in medical treatment-----suter & burke conspired & burke at suters request wrote a illegal barred order for suter giving siebert $7million----suter then placed the fraud on court forms & filed the bogus-fraudulent order &------------ jim was----from a hospital bed forced to get the swindle vacated----thanks to the cooperation of the unified court motion support office & jim's assistant----suter then desperate having been caught in his corrupt/collusion scheme with small-time crook lawyer joe burke & lying----then 'resigned'-----stallman thereafter 'covered-up' for suter burke & siebert. stallman ignored all of the proof of this criminality & did not refer the cabal to the criminal authorities. we at scamraiders have all the suter/burke emails which constitute a criminal conspiracy to defraud & rob jim of $20 million in his causes of action & give siebert dirty- money by corruption & fraud.
now scamraiders has been contacted by persons very familiar with jack suter. the informant has provided us with evidence & reports of jack suter's ----acording to the informant----illegal & despicable activities. the informant accuses suter of-----'being a piece of garbage,engaged in illegal---mob run poker games in brooklyn,& off the books job dealings.' the informant reports that----'jack suter is a thug who harasses many & that suter is a chronic drunk. the informant refers to jack suter as a 'slime ball'.
scamraiders investigators are obtaining further & more detailed information from the informant about suter's reported illegal, harassing & extortive activities involving according to the informant--- illegal gambling & mob affiliations & other complaints made against jack suter.---- this suter expose is just another example of the corruption & multiple lives of persons who in the unified courthouse sit in a position to railroad honest citizens who are subject to the outlaws called 'referees' and 'judges' in the unified cesspool courthouse which is contaminated with cronyism, collusion, corruption, greed, larceny & tricksters. scamraiders has been looking into the multiple lives of the rogue judges & referees in the unified courthouse & up to now it is not a pretty picture as many are worse than 'bad-eggs' & scoundrels who got their black-robes' by back-room cronyism & corruption-----see scamraiders for more details on the----- 'referee jack suter expose' .-----
meanwhile if referee jack suter has any comment regarding the informant's revelations about suter's activities, suter is welcome to submit his comments or denials & scamraiders will publish jack suter's remarks with any further proof scamraiders may assemble regarding jack suter's activities in the courthouse and in brooklyn, the bar-rooms & illegal poker rooms, etc.-------------