Tuesday, August 24, 2010
diane kleiman reports by sworn-to affidavit the dasdardly sex abuse that she endured orchestrated by vulture dr john siebert
diane kleiman esq was a patient of predator john siebert. she was also a victim of a series of siebert's botched surgeries. she swears that she was given contra indicated narcotics by siebert & that she became addicted. then deranged siebert began a program of sex acts with kleiman conducted at his office, hospitals & from his home via phone sex.kleiman details these acts spanning a number of years in her affidavit & over the phone during hours of interviews with scamraiders investigators. siebert despicably & repeatedly, according to kleiman, drugged her with potent narcotics & sexually 'raped'& abused her physically, emotionally & mentally. siebert also conned kleiman into allowing siebert to defraud medical insurer empire bc/bs by filing forged & false claims allowing siebert to swindle empire. kleiman carefull details these criminal acts in her affidavit. kleiman finally reported siebert's sex molestings & other violations of law to nyu/langone hospital. hearings were held & testimony taken. siebert was thereafter fired from nyu.now scamraiders has obtained a affidavit signed by kleiman in july of 2010. the 7 page document---sworn-to by kleiman reports in her words & in detail sieberts criminal sex & other acts. kleiman is a lawyer & a former prosecutor from queens, ny. scamraiders is now posting the entire kleiman affidavit for all to read. hopefully the revelations in it will caution other patients of surgeons to become careful as to what your doctor's background is all about. siebert is not the norm. he is a sick sociopath. he is a liar & dangerous as he has thugs on his pay-roll who extort, harass & abuse. he according to kleiman threatened her. we hear that he & his lawyer joe burke is now trying to bribe & harass kleiman who is desperate for money---& siebert will do anything to try & cover up his evil atrocious & inhuman acts.----- PLEASE SEE SCAMRAIDERS & THE ENTIRE KLEIMAN 'SWORN-TO' AFFIDAVIT WHICH SCAMRAIDERS IS PUBLISHING AS A HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT NEWS ITEM INVOLVING THE CRIMINAL & PREDATORY ACTIVITIES OF A NEW YORK & WISCONSIN SURGEON WHO HAS MISUSED HIS MEDICAL LICENSE TO ABUSE & SEXUALLY EXPLOIT HIS PATIENTS.SCAMRAIDERS HAS RECEIVED DETAILED REPORTS FROM OTHER OF DR. SIEBERTS INNOCENT VICTIMS AS WELL---THE SIEBERT EXPOSE & INVESTIGATION & REPORTS WILL CONTINUE EXPOSING HIS ABUSES OF PATIENTS & FRAUDS ON MEDICAL INSURERS, FRAUD, TAX EVASION, CORRUPTION & PERJURY-----SEE SCAMRAIDERS