scamraiders is a california domaciled internet news reporting organization--- whose mission is to exhume, uncover & report on corruption, fraud, swindles,& scams. neither scamraiders or jim couri network is jim couri, as falsly claimed by a few of the documented crooks we are exposing. jim resigned as a consultant & sold us the right to use his name. scamraiders & its domains have been investigating the corrupt & criminal activities engaged in by dr siebert, joe burke, ken gomez & george pavia for over one year. our investigators/reporters have provided documents confirming these persons court corruption, tampering, fraud, perjury, sex abuses, etc. these culprits have & we have documented their acts of harassment, extortion and corruption & contamination, including tampering with court officials---all geared to discredit/extort jim couri & rob his money due from siebert-- & to rob jim's rent stabilization rights arising out of his apartment at 18 e 73 st, nyc, a brownstone owned by pavia. it is a dirty trail of documented bribery, fraud, perjury, tampering & corruption, including threats,& secretion of evidence.during this period scamraiders uncovered siebert's sex molestings of his patients, thefts of insurance money belonging to empire bc/bs,and narcotics misuse--tax evasions, firing from nyu/langone & worse.scamraiders operates pursuant to its 'terms-of-use' & 'mission statement'. we have disdain for corruption & the corrupt acts of courts & judges---we also applaud honest courts & truly honest judges. we investigate & report the documented facts. we are not prosecutors we do assemble documents & reports of victims. scamraiders investigators & reporters seek out documents from courts & otherwise. scamraiders conducts interviews and patterns form. to be sure court corruption is alive & well. brooklyn 'l&t' lawyer now -- jsc wooten has been assigned the case involving jim & siebert. wooten is new to the ny unified courtsystem. we all know that jim is very ill.
now---lets take a look at what & who paul wooten is all about & how & when he became a judge in supreme court ny. mr. wooten was a brooklyn lawyer active in l&t courts. he had hi hopes. he made fast-friends with the usual suspects on brooklyn's court & remsen streets. such as the normans, sampsons, flakes, pattersons and many more crony/old boys. later on wooten trys a brooklyn run for da, but quickly 'bows-out' ---says he ran out of money.rumor has it that a opaque deal was made---wooten bows out of the da run & he gets a 'quid-pro-quo'--- resourceful wooten's hat goes into the ring for a ny/kings judgeship. the old-boys 'nominating convention' at st francis college in brooklyn hgts ok'd wooten--so from his home grounds, & office (livingston/lawrence streets), near famous court street, paul wooten got his new/crisp black robes thanks to the gov. patterson's signature, & the 'nod' of 'others'-----ie: the new round/races of 'old-boys' in brooklyn. simple-- no 'fus or mus'. from kings county & livingston & lawrence streets, deal-maker wooten is soon moved into nyc 'to make his bones'--first at the nyc traffic section-- as reported to scamraiders. we are told that by the time wooten is 'tagged' for part 7, at the 'louie lefkowitz bldg' wooten left behind, according to reports from ny clerks, about 100 undecided cases/motions.jsc wooten is a well documented deal-maker,who we are advised is not new to fbi investigations of his 'activities'. we hear his da race & subsequent judgeship became a subject of interest by the fbi & the federal level. now enter wooten into to the murky--dirty-tricks case of jim couri vs siebert. siebert & lawyer joe burke have for 6+ years created a documented paper trail of fraud, tampering, spoliation,& deception to avoid paying jim on agreements that siebert unconditionally signed. the corruption these crooks have engaged in are well documented but as yet ignpred by a corrupted as to jsc wooten---first mr. wooten has for 7 months since his assignment to the case failed & refused jim any confrence call with the court as mandated by certain court orders issued by jsc beeler in 2005. until jim complained to administrative judge heitler wooten did zero. over 30 motions were undecided. thereafter slipshod, bias, illogical & inconsistent decisions have been rendered with a pattern of abuse of the law. 'fast & furious' wooten generated his inconsistent decisions displaying a systematic pattern that are without doubt a clear & convincing scheme to disenfranchise jim out of his rights & money. we find also that certain wooten decisions not yet scanned or made public were found in the posession of joe burke----how come? then, wooten in violation of a injunction & restraining-gag order signed by jsc beeler in 2005 signs a barred motion/osc made by siebert/burke to put jim in jail claiming without a shred of proof other than heresay & lies that jim is scamraiders & that siebert is being slandered & that jim violated the very injunction that the osc itself violates. wooten then in contravention to wooten's own conduct impacting jim-- ignores the injunction issued by beeler that bars siebert & burke from making motions, in any court without permission by conference call with the court & all parties & burke on the line.wooten then writes & xerox copies orders improperly citing jim but not siebert/burke regarding the beeler injunction of 12-12-05 baring all parties including burke from motions & making complaints about the parties. in fact one sequence was a siebert/burke motion but the wooten decision wrongly refers to it as jim's motion. jim wrote to wooten stating the 'typo' of the decision yet it is not corrected. wooten also makes his own rules & ignores the over 40 documents signed by siebert comprising, agreements, notes, wavers, guarantees made by siebert admitting he owes jim about $20 million. these acts are not simply mistakes, we believe they are calculated to derail jim's rights by manipulation of the law. moreover, jsc wooten turns his back on & ignores documented acts of perjury, tampering, spoliation,& fraud engaged in by siebert & burke; & burke's harassment, phony reports about jim in violation of the injunction. yet at the same time wooten targets jim & refuses jim access to the court by ignoring his requests for mandated 'confrence-call' per the beeler injunction.wooten ignores the general releases siebert gave to jim 3 times over 3 years with the advice of siebert's lawyers. wooten demands a supposed 'compliance confrence' to review motions that are all impropre as they were made without complying with the jsc beeler injunction---& by wootens own words are improper & must be dismissed. jim has asked wooten to follow the law and set aside all motions & decisions made &/or generated in violation of the 12-12-05 injunction. wooten up to now has only targeted jim's motions although the beeler injunction bars & enjoins all parties including joseph m. burke. glaring is the wooten depravation of jim's summary judgment motion. jim showed 'sufficient cause' by proving that siebert lied in pripr pleadings & refused to appear at heitler court-ordered-pre note of issue discovery. jim provided proof of siebrets admitted liabilities to jim & the granting of summary judgment would further the ends of justice & eliminate the burden on jim who is terminally ill & on the courts. wooten ignored the law & fair-play on summary judgment motions. further all motions made/decided by all parties from 12-12-05 without compliance with the beeler injunction are not valid & must be vacated & set aside as improper & due to juducial error. in wootens own words all such motions are 'improper'. thus jim's summary judgment motion was & is proper yet wooten, displaying bias, favoritism & worse 'sand-bags' jim to aid sex-perdator siebert. this conduct is atrocious & wanton. sadly wooten has conducted his court with a forked tongue, writing illogical, bias, manipulated suspect decisions----systematically robbing jim of his rights & ignoring siebert/burke corruption & ignoring the full scope of the injunction. wooten knowing jim is sick, is asking for supposed oral argument on yet other motions that were made after 12-12-05 & in violation of the beeler injunction & therefore are all improper & must be dismissed. wooten is sadly conducting his court by his own bias & improper rules in violation of his mandates as a judge. finally scamraiders has been advised that wootens court has been on scamraiders sites. it seems also that his law secretaries malysha rashad from 27 arion pl.,brooklyn,ny 11206 & lyssa sampson from 420east 79 street nyc, ny 10075, also are users of scamraiders sites. thus they all are bound by scamraiders 'terms of use' & the all know that scamraiders is not jim couri & that jim was a $1.00 a yr consultant from july 2009 until he resigned on or about nov 2009. such resignation was publishesd on scamraiders. we are now trying to determine if ms sampson is in any was related to state senator john sampson a well known brooklyn 'deal-maker'. to be sure this is a saga not for the faint-of-heart but it seems to be opening a can of worms and worse that will not close so fast.
scamraiders will continue to investigate siebert, burke,gomez, pavia, the court system and the bizzar sloppy acts of jsc wooten-- who seems to be focused on robbing jim's rights under the us constitution, due process, court orders, cplr, rules of law, free speech & res-judicata & collateral-estoppel. scamraiders & network & its investigators & reporters will continue to assemble facts & documents regarding jsc paul wooten & the highly curious & suspect acts, decisions, demands, failure to act in compliance with juducial rules & mandates. jsc wooten's conduct is ignoring the evidence of siebert's obligations and in the process is manipulating the law, condoning siebert/burke's fraud, perjury,spoliation, tampering--- all well documented--- & thusly depriving jim of his rights & money. we see wooten's manipulation of the law & his condoning the documented corruption engaged in by siebert/burke & their co-horts to be obvious & outrageous.scamraiders will wait to see if wooten removes himself from the siebert cases based on the conditions exhibited. wooten's conduct, bizzar inconsistent orders,lack of regard for mandates of injunctions, motion practices, illegal acts of joe burke & john siebert, the filing of illegal orders to show cause, & lack of regard for jim couri's rights, grave health & mandates for conference call. the pattern of the wooten court & seeming exparte activities is to scamraiders horrible & transparent--- federal law enforcement will have access to burke's/siebert/pavia/ and others phone, email & fax records. they may well be another 'gold-mine' into the ongoing fraud, thefts & corruption scamraiders has reported on & documented since scamraiders inception on july 2009--- involving the courts & many of it's co-conspirators---we thank the public for the tremendous success & internet traffic of scamraiders & its sites & domains.
PLEASE NOTE: PURSUANT TO SCAMRAIDERS 'TERMS OF USE:---if jsc paul wooten, his staff & joe burke, john siebert, george pavia, (all users of scamraiders sites), wish to deny any of scamraiders reports, they may email such denials with proofs, to scamraiders. their denials will be promptly posted on scamraiders sites--along with scamraiders replies & exhibits, in further support of scamraiders reporting & exposes of these persons, etc.----scamraiders takes note that none of these persons have come forward & denied any of scamraiders charges & reports. rather siebert, burke, pavia, have harassed & extorted scamraiders & jim couri by hiring thugs & making threats. they deny nothing & they concoct lies & smokescreens to cover up perjury, bribery, sex rapes, narcotics abuses, thefts, tax evasion & court corruption. we at scamraiders believe that cheating & fraud may win for a while, but soon corruption is caught by its tail & the end comes---see scamraiders for rewards