Thursday, August 26, 2010
jsc paul wooten exhibits suspect & inhuman disdain for the rules of law & the us constitution black-jacks jim couri & extorts supposed hearing against jim's medical orders & derails mandated surgery scheduled at the same time
this is a scamraiders report of the abusive & despicable conduct of a ny judge. all of scamraiders reports are supported by proof that we assemble from informants, court & other public files & the press.-----judge paul wooten in the couri vs siebert case has gone to far by displaying a disdain for medical mandates & a level field of law. jim couri is terminally ill. he is undergoing potent cancer treatment at ucla for stage 4 terminal cancer. jim suffers from severe congestive heart disease., & other complex medical disorders. jim is scheduled for important & necessary surgery to occur on 9-1-10. meanwhile jsc wooten has ignored siebert & his lawyer joseph m burkes, documented tampering, secretion of evidence, fraud, perjury,failure to comply with disclosure & failure to comply with the conditions of the courts injunction. wooten has lost sight that siebert defaulted on agreements, notes, guarantees & settlements that he owes to jim. jim owes siebert zero. the entire charade is a wanton display of abuse & disdain for jim's rights & the rule of law. the current situation & the jsc wooten's outrageous disdain for jim's medical condition & mandated surgery is contemptible. wooten has displayed by his inconsistent & illogical decisions, refusal to grant jim a conference call for months, ignoring siebert's criminal acts & now demanding that jim who is on potent medications & prepared for surgery---to cancel his surgery to engage in a kangaroo conference with corrupt liar joe burke & listen to burke's propaganda, concoctions, cover-up of siebert's perjury & sex crimes. burke & siebert have played this court like a fiddle by manipulating this court for 6 years to deprive jim from the money that siebert agreed to pay & cover up siebert's crimes, sex acts, perjury & defaults----all well documented. burke also has engaged in---so far ignored---criminal spoliation of evidence, tampering, exparte communications by email & otherwise with referees & judges chambers & other acts of corruption. in the process burke & siebert filed fraudulent documents & pleadings in the unified courts & the appellate did 1st dept& willfully violated an injunction for 5 years. WHAT IN HEAVENS NAME IS GOING ON IN THIS SUPPOSED COURTHOUSE TO CONDONE THESE DOCUMENTED CRIMINAL ACTS. meanwhile jim has provided jsc wooten with months of records of his medical situation, dr affirmations & surgery reports---yet undaunted wooten displays a wanton disregard for the medical orders demanding that jim can not engage in any stressful acts,& that he is in toxic cancer infusions that cause disorentation & illness & that jim is terminally ill. woothe simply & in violation of any citizen's rights pushes his black-robes around & intimidates & extorts jim who is fragile, ill & peo-se. judge wooten your acts as doctors have told you in affirmations are life threatening to jim & will cause jim further detoriation of his condition & death. jim was given one year to live last ostober 2009. scamraiders & its staff find your conduct to be reprehensible yet transparent & geared to harm, injure & 'sand-bag jim, rob his money & cause jim yet more injury because of spite, bias, & corruption. your scheme to derail jim's surgery & justice only confirms your pattern of disruption of the facts & agenda to injure jim by violating of his civil rights. be advised that you & your rigged court will not derail freedom of speech,& free press to aid in the corruption sex abuses & crimes well documented & engaged in by john siebert & joseph m burke---& aid in robbing jim couri's money that siebert agreed to pay. judge wooten, if you dont know it yet this is the united states of america, not hitler's germany & your not the 'ss-corps'. you ar a supposed 'public-official' bound by the constitution, bill of rights, & the laws of america. your black-jack & bullyism is clear & convincing proof of your agendas wihch many are watching. this is a scamraiders expose of the inhuman & atrocious conduct of a ny judge, installed in his roll by cronyism, & a farcical, opaque & undemocratic selection process in the back rooms on remsen street in brooklyn, ny. we hear that jim has made a motion to 'recuse' you from his cases based in part on your acts of bias, negligence,& inhuman lack of regard for jim's grave health.your vicious acts of retaliation & depriving jim of mandated medical care is proof positive of your game plan to 'set jim up', gang-up & bully a sick infirmed 72 year old man. 'congratulations' judge wooten on your 'mo' of documented bullyism, intimidation, bias & worse in a limply orchestrated set-up while pushing your 'immunity' around. scamraiders & others truly feel that you are going way to far into deep water----as part of an apparent gang-up. depriving jim couri's ordered medical care & surgery & making absurd demands of jim is frankly contemptible.----see scamraiders for more on this judge wooten