Sunday, August 29, 2010
john siebert md & joseph m. burke knowing that siebert was engaged in a criminal enterprise in 2005, conned ny court judge beeler into a gag order under fraudulent pretext so that siebert/burke could continue their frauds on insurers, sex molestings, & corruption illegally protected by a fraudulently induced gag order
in 2005 john siebert md was engaged in a ongoing criminal scheme of defrauding medical insurers by filing forged & bogus insurance claims that were false & filed by siebert & his aid nelsa garcia in order to rob the insurers for fortunes in illegal recoveries. siebert began these insurance frauds according to some of siebert patient victims in 1994, siebert & garcia by the time the 'gag order' was instigated by siebert-burke siebert's criminal enterprise of swindeling insurers with fake & fraudulent documents had been ongoing for years, & numerous crimes had been committed by siebert. further by 2004 siebert was under investigation for sex molestings of patients by ny state, nyu medical center & by the manhattan district attorney's office----all grounded on patient victim's charges made against siebert. these facts were well known to joseph m. burke esq who in violation of law & disciplinary rules, committed fraud & acts of deception, defrauded & conned jsc beeler & jim couri into stimulating a illegal gag order. burke claimed falsly that siebert was a respectable dr & needed the comfort of the gag order in order to secure his 'good name & reputation'. the true motive was to try & stop & create a illegal firewall depriving exposure of evidence & reports of siebert's already ongoing corruption, frauds, crimes & sex abuses of patients. gag orders are not implemented for the purpose of covering up crimes. gags are for cases involving children, some celebrated persons or cases involving national security-----but none trump freedom of speech-press or the us constitution. here the gag order was stimulated by corruption, fraud, & deception using the courts to aid siebert/burke in the proliferation of their criminal enterprise. now desperate, burke/siebert in a last-gasp con the courts in ny --jsc paul wooten to try & gag the scamraiders expose of siebert, burke, gomez, pavia, garcia & others crimes----the gag order was induced by fraud as jsc beeler was not informed about the crimes that siebert-burke were using the courts to cover up. the courts acts & gullible misinformation have caused more unnecessary loss & injury to yet more of siebert's patient victims, more losses to medical insurers, injury & loss to jim couri----now brazen siebert/burke are again defrauding the courts, jim couri & jsc wooten so that they can by deception & frauds continue the siebert/burke/garcia criminal enterprises--with the bizarre, curious & unwitting aid of some in the unified court system----meanwhile jsc stallman refused to seal the court files in the jim couri vs siebert case upon the 3rd or 4th request by burke/siebert. jsc stallman also refused to deprive free speech of scamraiders & jim. burke & siebert manipulate another ny jidge to try & aid them in covering up their now well documented crimes of conversion, sexual degenerate acts of siebert, fraud, tampering & thefts from medical insurers wit the aid of nelsa garcia, joseph m. burke esq., & others----scamraiders believes that the burke/siebert's 'cans-of-worms' of frauds, sex crimes, perjury, tampering,& manipulations are about to be fully exposed to the world via patient & others reporting their corruption & thefts & abuses of innocent patients----see scamraiders & rewards