Monday, August 23, 2010
referee jack suter who was corrupted by joseph m burke in couri v siebert is at it again . he conspired with burke, he abused jim over the phone & he is now accused by lawyers in case before jsc schulman for being abusive & threatening
referee jack suter was caught 'red-handed' conspiring with john siebert's lawyer joe burke via exparte emails to rob jim couri of his claims. suter's appointment was post-note & illegal as all disclosure was barred. burke had himself secreted the filed note of issue & allowed illegal acts of suter to continue, proving that burke orchistrated acts of fraud, tampering & corruption with the aid of referee jack suter. yet suter, knowing his conduct was illegal continued to email burke knowing jim was in hospital in california, & suters emails were corrupt. suter in these emails solicited burke to write illegal orders for him to allow siebert/burke to obtain a fraudulent $7million judgment against jim in favor of siebert for supposed non compliance with discovery that both burke & suter knew was barred by virtue of the burke-secreted & filed note of issue. this is conspiracy & fraud in 'living-color. all such acts were criminal & in violation of suter's roll even if his appointment was not illegal. the unified court system has turned their back on these crimes----because corruption, bribery & frauds are alive & well in these ny courts. suter also threatened jim over the phone. suter is a liar & a disgrace yet the unified courts turn their back on corruption, bribery & tampering. fortunately jim found out about suters frauds & was able to vacate his & burkes illegal order. we at scamraiders have all these emails & we have published them---as yet the unified courts cover up these acts which are criminal & willful violations of the rights to due process. now we learn that defense counsel in consolidated sewing vs sanford, et-al have accused referee jack suter for engaging in abusive & threatening conduct while supposedly 'supervising disclosure'. jack suter is a abusive liar who has exhibited inhuman, wanton & illegal conduct & lied about it SEE: CONS SEWING VS SANFORD, ET-AL--2008NY SLIP OP 50715(U) 119 MISC 3D 1114(A) re: referee jack suter's abusive acts----possibly soon all of this abuse, harassment & corruption will be explored in a real court & federal agencies----see scamraiders for rewards