Monday, August 30, 2010
joseph m. burke esq has been caught corrupting, tampering, & interfering with wittnesses as part of a scheme to cover up john siebert md's crimes & to derail justice
joe burke has been caught engaging in exparte emailes with a illegally appointed referee jack suter in ny courts. burke while secreting a filed 'note of issue-certificate of readiness', engaged in months of exparte illegal emails with a referee--- resulting in corrupt & illegal orders to be generated, signed by suter yet written & created by burke, to rob jim couri of his claims against siebert & to permit burke to file a $7million bogus judgment against jim-----burke was caught in his corrupt acts yet ignored by the ny courts. burke likewise engaged in the same corruption & spoliation involving the appellate division, & with jsc stallman. further burke lied to jsc beeler & secreted criminal data burke had in his possession & lured jsc beeler into a corrupt 'gag-order' by fraud on the court & jim couri. burke thereafter allowes siebert to engage in rampant perjury at a contempt hearing before yet another referee, this time referee crespo, covering up sieberts acts of sex crimes, thefts from insurers & then ongoing criminal & regulatory investigations---then deprived jim from putting on his case & the testimony of nyu hospital officials who wers conducting hearings into siebert's sex crimes. burke then lied to the state of conn. department of children & families who in 2005 were investigating siebert as a pedophile. both siebert & burke lied to tha agency & to referee crespo.--- thereafter burke atempted to compromise with exparte & improper communications with a notary who filed her own affidavit confirming that siebert & burke are liars regarding agreements & releases the notary notarized sieberts signature & that they are genuine. burke then as part of his schemes, found & compromised a california drug abusing notary claiming that jim couri forged the notary to his own truthful affidavits in the center of beverly hills ca where notaries are as available as ants. a meaningless & absurd burke smokescreen claim & a obvious retaliation to burke being exposed as a fraud by his corrupt acts of suter, spoliation, tampering with notary---all pre-date the burke belated senseless claims. when scamraiders announced its interviews with siebert victim diane kleiman, burke/ siebert in their desperation con jsc wooten, file a barred osc to put jim in jail for violating a gag order of jsc beeler secured by burke/siebert fraud but which mandated a conference call to the court BEFORE any motion practice. undaunted & desperate burke/siebert avoided the mandates & proceeded to lie yet again in a smokescreen scheme by misuse of the unified court & jsc paul wooten. then in violation of law when scamraiders posted the kleiman affidavit exposing siebert as a sex predator, narco abuser & thief, stealing insurance proceeds from insurers, burke & his 'alter-ego' ken gomez began to harass & tamper with kleiman who appears to be financially desperate. scamraiders has been informed that burke has cajoled, conned & tampered with kleiman trying, we believe, to interfere into kleiman's 'sworn-to' statements she made in her affidavit about vulture dr siebert & his thefts of medical insurance monies by sieberts forgery, fraud & corruption involving kleimans/siebert surgeries & related insurance swindles orchistrated by siebert according to kleiman. as can be seen joseph m burke is a corrupt lawyer engaging in criminal acts of corruption, spoliation, tampering, probable bribery to cover up criminality & rob jim couri of his money-------see scamraiders & rewards