Sunday, September 26, 2010

unified courthouse scams---- this 'round' now orchistrated by brooklyn judge paul wooten to railroad jim couri & through corruption deprive documented & warranted claims by condoning & engaging in trickster & outlaw acts---have by ambush lost sight of the law & the primary claims

corruption, trickster & scoundrel attempted ambushes of legitimate litigants in order to rob due process because of back-room corruption, tampering, targeting & outlaw cronyism is horrible. villian courts sadly are now the norm & not the exception. the public is now becoming more aware of judicial & rogue lawyer & scaliwag improprieties. the jim couri--john siebert md case is a poster example of manipulation & bad-egg contemptible macinations. the corruption began with george pavia & his corrupting jsc joan madden in order to rob rent stabilization ---the facts of this scam you can find in scamraiders archives---except to state that madden fulfilled her 'contract' by atrocious acts of depriving evidence, rewriting laws, ignoring other court's decisions finding pavia & his wife antonia perjurers, finding pavia's brownstone & jim's apt within to be unfit & hazardous. madden covered up findings that the pavia's filed false documents with nys agencies. when jim accused & confirmed that madden was corrupted & rewrote nussance statutes to accommodate the pavias---due process be damned----madden targeted jim throughout the entire unified court system. madden further 'insulated ' the corruption by issuing a order enjoining any suit against george or antonia pavia without maddens permission---get it? screw the constitution & due process when the fix is in place in the ny unified courts----to be sure it is a disgrace---a courthouse poisoned by corrupt fixer/lawyers & villian/scalliwag judges ready, willing & able to railroad & ambush a sucker for a price---& screw 'due-process & the rules of law'---- you see all for one & one for all---these judges are kind of like the mafia--- they 'cover' for each other in the ny courts at the expense of honesty, integrity & the rules. when a litigant figures out these bad-egg scoundrels in 'black-robes'& frequent back-room contracts & resultant disdain for the law & due process the courtroom black-robed pretenders will target the ones that stand up to unified courthouse trickster corruption----see full expose in new book coming soon---CONSPIRACY AT 60 CENTRE--A STACKED DECK AT THE COURTHOUSE----youll learn a lot & see first hand who the charlitans are with evidence of the frequent & documented ambushes, larceny, greed & malice----orchestrated by the outlaw & rascal lawyers & their crony judges.

john siebert & his corrupt lawyers joseph m burke & kenneth v. gomez formed a 'unholy corrupt railroading alliance' with pavia-----gomez danced to maddens tune in her court after jay itkowitz took a 'back-seat'--- robbing by misuse of the rules of law, evidence & the law---all well documented by hard facts & documents---of jim's rent stabilized home. you see gomez is such a idiot he couldn't win anything without a rigged game----gomez is a pimp & a charley mccarthey stooge.but the dirty-work was just beginning-----decision after decision in the siebert case, just like the pavia case--- bore no logic to the evidence, the facts or the relevant laws----the court's acts, & decisions formed a pattern of documented corruption, bias, disdain for rules of law & outright ambushing. the facts are self evident by a review of the trickster sand-bag decisions generated in these cases. they---taken individually or as a whole are a contemptible atrocious disgrace & malicious. these supposed judges also condoned carefully documented burke & siebert's spoliation, fraud, perjury, tampering, concealing of evidence & unwarranted claims & wilfull violations of a injunction.then these courthouse scalliwags interfere & harass jim as to his documented terminal cancer, heart disease & other medical disorders--- they lie cheat & harass jim's doctors--- & do anything else to aid the rogue judges diversion from attention of jim's real claims------ that siebert & his pc owes jim over $20million----the sad part here is the fact that the court by its pattern of corrupt, bias & illogical decisions in the siebert-couri cases has made clear that madden & pavia started this ball of railroading justice rolling----now it has gotten 'out of hand' & the courthouse back-room sand-bagging & ambush of jim's constitutional rights has been carefully & systematically exhumed & exposed----- including jsc wooten's recent, despicable & documented lies, bias & inconsistent decisions issued to systematically disenfranchise jim & his legal rights & money due to him----the cover-up & this siebert/burke courthouse backroom scam is now finding its way to the public domain with proofs of the tampering & worse---

now we have proof-positive of judges lying, fabricating incidents, issuing phony & inconsistent decisions & ignoring the plain simple facts of the couri vs siebert cases-----siebert signed notes, guarantees, agreements & contracts agreeing to pay & re-pay jim money siebert owes to jim. these notes & agreements signed by siebert were prepared by siebert's own lawyers. as part of these agreements siebert waved his right to impose any counterclaims or defenses against jim in the event siebert failed to pay any of these obligations. further siebert issued 3 separate general releases in favor of jim & jim's affiliates. siebert defaulted & failed to pay jim. finally jim sued----releases, wavers, 40 plus documents signed by siebert confessing to his obligations or not these bad-egg trickster courts in the unified court-system have milked these cases for 6 years---over 50 motions & the courts condoning siebert/burke's unwarranted rascal macinations. meanwhile jim has gotten zero of his money----why? ---summary judgment in a honist court is 'duck-soup' with all these admissions by siebert----but when the 'fix' is in forget about the law & rules----instead it is heartache, judicial bull-dozing, harassment,intimidation, abuses, threats, trickster acts, lies & maybe even criminal activity---take a look at rico-----& take a look at scamraiders expose of jsc wooten, stallman, & madden.

the conduct of these cases involving jim & siebert/burke have been a 'poster-child' of bad-acts, corruption, fraud, tampering & violations of unified court rules, professional disciplinary rules & violations of the us constitution---see scamraiders archives & articles & exhibits---re court corruption in nyc.

you see----- facts, documents, general releases, wavers, confessions dont matter when dirty money, bribery, tampering, spite, cover-ups, corruption & fraud are involved in the ny court unified system-----& remember when these persons are selected by the back-room farcical cronyism. these few in 'black-robes' have full immunity---that means that they can 'screw & tatoo you' without fear of reprisal----unless we can prove a pattern of ongoing fraud & worse---see: rico--

the 'smoke & mirrors' are so dense in the siebert/burke ---jim couri case & all the intentional diversions by thief- sex-rapist siebert & his outlaw lawyers---the court has all but buried the true causes of actions/claims jim has documented & asserted & that the systemic corruption is depriving----this is how justice is administered in the unified courthouse in nyc-----spite, greed, larceny, railroading, bullyism & disdain for the rules of law & the us constitution----for greed & money----scamraiders & others are investigating & exposing in full & living detail & color for all to see---- these ongoing & fraudulent courtroom schemes engaged in by some of the few rogue- black-robed bandits in nyc, brooklyn, westchester & elsewhere in ny state--- who abuse their position & oaths & who manipulate the laws & rip off the honest citizens who are on the 'short-end' of a back-room contract/or fix & for clandestine & corrupt self indulgence, & ambush-deal-making. follow these exposes on scamraiders & LOOK FOR A NEW BOOK/EXPOSE/GUIDE BOOK--- 'CONSPIRACY AT 60 CENTRE-A STACKED DECK AT THE COURTHOUSE'-----------COMING SOON!!!!