Monday, September 6, 2010
jsc paul wooten violates federal laws? evidence & facts points to 'yes!' why? is he a rogue judge? ---in the jim couri vs john siebert cases
jsc paul wooten has plain & simple, over the past few months has displayed arrogance, inhuman & bullyism towards jim couri for no other reason other than wanton bias, favoritism & a preordained railroading in order to flim-flam jim out of his rights by falsly claiming that jim waved them by his supposed ignoring court-phone-calls that were never made. SHAME ON YOU JUDGE WOOTEN. in the process & over interstate instrumentalities, & evidence confirms & proves,that judge wooten while thumbing his nose at the rules of law, violated federal hipaa rules & regs; admitted to exparte communications; filed decisions inconsistent with the obligations of the litigants binding them & lawyer joseph m burke; concocted bogus claims of phantom phone calls to jim soly to disenfranchise jim of his rights & claims; & ignoring siebert/burke's corruption, tampering, spoliation, fraud, sex abuses, perjury & exparte exchanges of hearing documents without jim's knowledge----& IGNORED SIEBERT/BURKES EXTORTION OF JIM,THEIR HARASSMENT & INTERFERENCE INTO JIM'S HEALTHCARE, regretfully, wooten has exhibited in the presence of others a repeated pattern of outrageous disdain for the rules of law, bullyism, & a railroading of the us constitution. jsc wooten has turned his back & allowed burke & siebert to ambush jim's rights by wooten's documented violations of due process, & contemptible lies & his black-jack abuses over the phone---- & in wooten's 'sand-bag'inconsistent & transparent decisions.----jsc wooten has displayed a orchestrated 'set-up' & charade of lies, artifices, bias, & fraud over the phones in'kangaroo-court'proceeding. the game? to disenfranchise a pro-se litigant(jim), of his federal, state, & constitutional rights by 'pre-packaged' courthouse robbery of jim's money, rights, & health by a 'sting' of deception, cheating & probable collusion with sex vulture, thief, & con-man john siebert & his well documented corrupt lawyer joe burke------scamraiders will continue to assemble more evidence of these wanton & documented acts of exparte courthouse ambush. scamraiders & its staff will continue to investigate all aspects of this gravely serious situation of what appears to be synergistic corruption, strong-arm tactics, & bullyism & report all evidence & findings on its sites & to law enforcement with all proofs----see scamraiders 'mission statement' & 'terms of use'.