jsc paul wooten turns his back& 'thumbs his nose' at a taxpayer & citizen of nyc who has been victimzed sexually & otherwise in nyc hospitals by a sociopath rogue dr. john siebert a litigant before wooten. all judges are supposed to be 'public servants' & are we believe-- mandated to hear about & react, not ignore,-- criminal activities that have impacted on tax-paying citizen-victims. whats going on judge wooten?------you seem to want to protect vulture siebert & his corrupt lawyers----& give them a windfall of jims money & health. they say documents dont lie---why are you ignoring the facts that siebert is a thief. you have over 50 documents of such proof----no more cons & diversions---it is too late judge---- as scamraiders a reporting news organization will not be robbed of its rights to free speech & free press & reporting documented corruption & courthouse abuses & corruption.
jim couri is & has been in hospital----scamraiders was advised on sept 24, 2010 that one of dr john siebert's patient victims who has reported & provided proof of siebert's abuse of this woman to scamraiders on her own decided to travel a few days ago to the wooten courtroom at 80 centre street nyc. she has been following all reports posted on scamraiders & became alarmed about jim's safety regarding disclosure of his hospitals & doctors. this siebert victim was abused & molested by siebert in a hospital & jim was required to enter ucla under assumed names because of the threats, harassment & abuses by siebert, & his thug lawyers kenneth gomez & joseph m. burke & george pavia. the lady met clerk warren rubio who refused to allow this citizen of nyc & taxpayer access to a presiding judge in order to report criminal conduct. then she said she wanted to file a statement outlining siebert's criminal sex, molesting, threatening acts so that jsc wooten would take some action to protect nyc citizens from a vulture sociopathic doctor. the lady spent the time writing the disclosure. after leaving the statement with mr. rubio the victim left the court. the following day she left a voice mail for jim telling him of her 'visit' to wooten's court. then she advised scamraiders operations of her courthouse 'visit'.
jim from hospital called rubio on sept 24, 2010 seeking under foia a copy the woman's disclosure that she wrote & left with rubio----jim tells scamraiders & others that rubio claims that he sent the document back to the siebert victim.
shocking?---damn right!! a judge with seeming 'unclean-hands' & who has exhibited lying, wanton & outrageous activities, & disdain for the rules of law & the us constitution now turns his back on a woman who was molested & abused by a litigant doctor who has robbed many including jim couri, ben ossman, ms c. zimmerman, richard jacobs, us trust, chase, fleet, audi, & other lenders & the irs: & who has molested many & who was fired from nyu med center for sex abuses & who is under investigation by ny state health, the irs, & other agencies for insurance fraud, etc. what the heck is going on in this ny courthouse?---does wooten condone rapes, thefts & tax evasion ---can some of these judges be so greedy & malicious----it looks like---'screw the law & due-process'---- as wooten has displayed conduct that is about as logical as the 'marks brothers' or 'abbott & costello'. jsc wooten has exhibited third-rate trickster manipulation of the law & the jsc beeler's injunction & a penchant for ambush & railroading that is transparent & atrocious. now jsc wooten thumbs his nose at a ny citizen who has the moxie to come forward to expose a thief & a rapist---- judge wooten does nothing!!!!----we at scamraiders have assembled proof of jsc wooten's patterns & specific deceptions that can not be couched as anything other than intentional, willful, & scheme to rob due process from jim & rob jim's money that siebert agreed to pay-----thus causing severe damage to jim & many others. wooten has tried to abuse his roll to set-up & railroad jim by deception, manipulation of the law, & unwarranted outlaw activities. this & other evidence scamraiders has in its possession displays bullyism, & trickster activities spawning from the unified courthouse by outlaw & scalliwag bad-eggs. this of course is very sad---- but the proofs do not lie--- please see scamraiders for further updates on these jsc wooten/ unified courthouse railroadings----