Wednesday, September 1, 2010

jsc paul wooten displays alarming disdain & disregard for facts, heresay, corruption & jim couri's grave medical condition. trys a cram-down by concocting falsehoods

we at scamraiders find that corruption, bias & fraud are alive in the unified courts. wooten ignores siebert's perjury, tampering, exparte acts with referee suter & zeros in on jim couri to force him to argue siebert's flawed contempt motions that are outright fraud & that jim has told wooten are barred by the very order siebert relys. wooten then trys to cover up the illegalities of the siebert contempt by black-jacking jim lying that jim was called by the court to partake in conference calls re motions & other matters. jim was shocked by the judges lie as no calls were made to jim's office by the court at any time for anything. wooten cleaverly attempted to make it appear that jim ignored the courts calls & waved his rights. wooten then proceeded to try to 'sand-bag' jim into arguing the phony contempt osc while wooten forced the supposed conference call against jim's medical orders & wooten viciously deprived jim of a scheduled emergency surgery to occur on sept. 1, 2010. judge wooten you are a smooth talking brooklyn politico seeking to deprive jim of his rights, money & health. we expect you to continue to violate jims rights but we at scamraiders will continue to report yor irregular acts. the us constitution will not be trumped by paul wooten ---but please understand jim couri is not scamraiders & do not try & convolute scamraiders with jim-----he is not scamraiders. & please look into the predatory & corrupt acts of siebert & burke & 'make your bones' on someone who is not terminally ill as your comments today about jim's doctors & affirmations was despicable as a member of our investigators staff was present & listened to the entire charade. in burkes's words 'it is farcical.'-----see scamraiders