Friday, September 10, 2010
john siebert md can not stop the volcanic explosion of evidence from his victims confirming siebert's predator sex crimes, thefts, narco abuses & extortion
siebert is--- we are advised--- broke & becoming more desperate. he has been evicted by dr dan baker as a office tenant. baker kicked him out ---not due to anything else-- other than siebert's failure to pay rents timely & his disgusting reputation as a sex vulture, & due to siebert being kicked out of nyu medical center. siebert owes a fortune, he has swindled the internal revenue svce & state tax depts & many victim patients & insurance companies. siebert & his corrupt lawyers joseph m burke & ken gomez are escilating their extortion & harassments of scamraiders & jim couri. in a last gasp siebert---the 'wandering surgeon'-- has recently conned another doctor for office space. we'll see how long that lasts. siebert has issued bum checks to jim couri & others including to these thugs & sociopath siebert try to railroad jim who is in cancer treatment in california by acts of fraud, lies, bribery & corruption. meanwhile scamraiders has learned that siebert is under investigation by ny state health, empire blue cross for fraud & theft, & by others. we at scamraiders wonder why a desperado siebert is wasting so much time & money he steals to extort & harass us-----time will tell---see our rewards