Monday, September 20, 2010
it is easy to win at any game when one cheats---even in the unified courthouse new york
scamraiders has documented a tale of corruption, tampering, perjury, fraud, ambushing, exparte communications,and a plethora of other intentional & outrageous acts engaged in by joseph m. burke esq, john siebert md & kenneth v. gomez in the 'hallowed halls of the ny unified courthouse. & let us not forget corkscrew george pavia. spite, greed & larceny engaged in by these tricksters have been fully documented & undenied involving referees & judges. the details are not for the faint of heart but they must be fully exposed so that all can see that courts in ny are for the most part a disgrace & rampant with charades of misdeeds. joe burke is a scaliwag & a outlaw hiding behind a law degree that he found in a box of cracker-jacks. scamraiders has documented these charlitans conduct for over a year---& by reviewing these bad-eggs courthouse macinations spanning about 10 years. putting it bluntly they have we are sure bribed, corrupted & tampered with many----who for now will remain a question soon to be revealed---so please be patient & see scamraiders