it is another match made with the devil----burke & siebert create bogus evidence, engage in perjury, spoliation, tampering, fraud and the new 'ostrich' hit-man in a 50 bucks set of black robes----like the donkey & the carrot---misuses the rules of law soly to railroad jim couri. jsc wooten has proved by his acts & inconsistent decisions that he is a trickster trying to 'make his bones' at the expense of jim, the constitution & due process.--- scamraiders believes, & evidence proves that jsc wooten engaged in intentional telephonic deception, mail-wire fraud & systematic disdain for the law in order to--- by corrupt acts--- 'sand-bag' jim & rob millions from jim couri for the benefit of siebert/burke by circumventing evidence, injunctions, general releases, wavers, etc. we have shown that when a FIX in in law, justice & the american constitution are---- in the unified courthouse--- 'flushed down the toilet.' these bad eggs make their own rules, rewrite laws & will railroad any sucker for a fix----what the heck --they have immunity, & they operate as a unit---if one 'ambushes' you they all follow the same 'bandwagon' ----these unified courts will given the chance & have ruined lives, kids lives & worse to fulfill a fix-contract by corrupt lawyers & others who know the 'ropes'---- sad as it is corruption is we have documented & reviewed many sdny cases---- rampant in the nyc state courts & is getting worse----not better as greed, larceny & malice is alive & well----
jsc wooten has on sept 1, 2010 willfully & intentionally concocted a fraudulent scheme by misuse of interstate instrumentality in a court setting-proceeding & was caught & then wooten tried to engage in a cover-up of more deception & bullyism/trickster documented acts-----scamraiders has the proof of this scoundrel's activities--- furthermore---wooten's decisions reveal either incompetence or acts of corruption, bias & worse. wooten has targeted jim who has been in hospital having undergone recent surgery & is in cancer treatment.
wooten has condoned siebert & burke's perjury, tampering, lies & wire & mail fraud---
burke claims that jim did not produce his medical records in the kangaroo-pavia-madden case----the truth by jim's subpoena columbia presbeterian medical center produced 3 large cartons of records to madden------madden never opened any & precluded any of jim's medical from the case.
burke claims that he did not bribe, tamper & commit spoliation---we have the proof of burks frauds & the supporting evidence has been produced in scamraider articles. burke has lied, cheated & condoned siebert's perjury ---& has covered up siebert's sex attacks on patients, tax evasion & has violated injunctions. burke defrauded jsc beeler secretion siebert's unsavory vulture acts & ny state health investigations
burke now claims that he has mailed documents re a contempt motion that is illegal & barred that were never mailed & would be precluded as late even if sent.
burke/siebert has by his documented acts & compromising of referee jack suter & manipulation of jsc wooten false filings, misuse of the mails, faxes etc, to deprive due process by fraud & misrepresentation violates numerous criminal statutes
jsc wooten has again refused a conference call but lies & says over interstate phones that he called jim since feb. 2010 & jim failed to respond----yot wooten has no dates, who called & to what phone number----of course such is a dasdardly & outrageous lie as jim called & can prove that wooten rejected jim's demands for mandated conference call per the beeler injunction--- not once but 14 times over 5 months----all documented
jsc wooten is a judge----- & judges when caught lying & thus depriving a sick pro-se litigant from fair due-process must recuse himself----scamraiders believes that wooten engaged in intentional wire fraud on sept. 1, 2010.
jsc wooten also forgot that jim has 3 general releases in his favor from siebert & his pc----provided to jim by siebert & his lawyers. jsc wooten-- the phony claims these outlaws concocted & produced nothing in support are barred & precluded by these releases---maybe jsc wooten should read-up on general releases---or maybe wooten will re-write the rules governing general releases
meanwhile the unified court's website records the couri v siebert case---#107240/04 as DISPOSED.
we at scamraiders find that wooten has exhibited a contemptible & wanton disdain fot due process & rules of law----jim's overtures to administrative judge sherry heitler hav been futile----like the ostrich head in the dirt--
meanwhile wooten keeps lying & allowing siebert/burke to pull the strings of a puppet----by fraud, exparte communications, post motion claimed submissions that never were sent & illegal in any event--
contempt---judge wooten we at scamraiders & our lawyers have reviewed this scam---jim is not scamraiders & the gag order was not only induced by burke/siebert's fraud on the court---burke as again by tampering fraud & perjury woven a web to rob & injure jim who id terminally ill----contempt has been proven by jim by producing timely proof of siebert/burkes bribery, tampering, exparte emails with referees, spoliation, perjury, suborning perjury---- & burke/ siebert/ gomez attack of jim with doctors, press, business of scamraiders & convoluting jim with scamraiders while slandering jim----violations & contempt in living color----also igm=notded by the sand-bag unified courthouse---- all facts in support of the forgoing dastardly acts fo siebert/burke are before 'ostrich-wooten'----A NOW DOCUMENTED 'ROGUE' JUDGE, A CORRUPT LAWYER, A DOCTOR-DOCUMENTED THIEF, TAX SWINDLER, SEX RAPIST, INSURANCE THIEF---- GANG UP TO ROB JIM COURI OF HIS WELL PROVED & SIEBERT- AGREED-TO CLAIMS. JIM'S CLAIMS THAT HE POSESSES AGAINST SIEBERT & HIS PC EXCEED $20MILLION----FRAUD, PERJURY, TAMPERING, AMBUSHING, MANIPULATION OF THE LAW----SOME HELL OF A COURTHOUSE------BUT THE UNIFIED 'CAN OF WORMS' IS BEING OPENED----
wooten is trying to orchestrate a ambush but in the process has shot himself in the foot----lying, concocting decisions blocking jim & allowing siebert/burke a 'pass' on the same 12-12-05 JSC BEELER INJUNCTION ENJOINING ALL PARTIES INCLUDING JOSEPH M. BURKE--- SEE BEELER INJUNCTION OF 12-12-05 ON SCAMRAIDERS----